Motivational Quotes in Nepali – नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू

Motivational Quotes in Nepali नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू : Motivation is the driving force that propels us toward achieving our dreams and overcoming challenges. In our journey of life, we often encounter moments when we feel demotivated or overwhelmed.

During such times, a few powerful words of wisdom can rekindle our inner strength and help us push forward. For those who connect deeply with the Nepali language and culture, motivational quotes in Nepali hold a special significance.

In this collection of Inspirational quotes in Nepali प्रेरक भनाइहरू, you will find timeless wisdom from various sources that uplift the soul and encourage perseverance.

Motivational Quotes in Nepali

Motivational Quotes in Nepali

तिमीलाई हिजो पनि माया गर्छु, अझै पनि माया गर्छु, सधैं छ, सधैं हुनेछ।

English: I loved you yesterday, I still love you, always have, and always will.
Pronunciation: Timilai hijo pani maya garchu, ajhai pani maya garchu, sadhai chha, sadhai hunechha.

सफलता, साँचो र झुटोको पार्थिव न्यायाधीश हो।

English: Success is the earthly judge of truth and lies.
Pronunciation: Safalta, sancho ra jhutoko parthiv nyayadhish ho.

संग्राममा हजारौं हजारलाई जित्नेलाई भन्दा आफ्नो मनलाई जित्न सक्नेलाई संग्राम विजयी भनिन्छ।

English: One who conquers their own mind is considered victorious in battle, more than one who conquers thousands.
Pronunciation: Sangramma hajarau hajar lai jitnelai bhanda afno manlai jitna saknelai sangram vijayi bhanincha.

Motivational Quotes in Nepali

जसले सबै प्राणीलाई सत्कार गर्दछ, त्यसले मोक्ष प्राप्त गर्दछ।

English: He who respects all living beings attains salvation.
Pronunciation: Jasle sabai pranilai satkar gardachha, tesle moksha prapt gardachha.

सफलता परिणामबाट प्राप्त हुन्छ, केवल सोच्नाले मात्र हुँदैन।

English: Success comes from results, not just from thinking.
Pronunciation: Safalta parinaam bata prapt huncha, keval sochnale matra hundaina.

व्यक्तिले जुन विषय चिन्तन गरेर सुत्छ, त्यसैसित सम्बन्धित सपना देख्छ।

English: A person dreams of what they ponder upon before sleeping.
Pronunciation: Byaktile jun vishaya chintan gareko sutcha, tesai sanga sambandhit sapana dekhcha.

Motivational Quotes in Nepali

जब उज्यालो तीव्र हुन थाल्छ, मेरो दुःख पनि बढ्दै जान्छ, र म सोच्दछु कि यो कसरी सम्भव छ जब केहि गलत छैन।

English: As the light intensifies, my sorrow grows, and I wonder how it’s possible when nothing seems wrong.
Pronunciation: Jab ujyaalo tivra hun thaalcha, mero dukh pani badhdai jancha, ra ma sochdachu ki yo kasari sambhav chha jab kehi galat chhaina.

यो प्रायः साना कदमहरू हुन्, विशाल छलांगहरू होइन, जसले सबैभन्दा दिगो परिवर्तन ल्याउँछ।

English: It’s often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring the most lasting change.
Pronunciation: Yo prayah sana kadamharu hun, bishal chhallaangharu hoina, jasle sabai bhanda digo parivartan lyauchha.

एक सफल व्यक्ति र अरू बीचको भिन्नता शक्तिको कमी होइन, ज्ञानको कमी होइन, बरु इच्छाशक्तिको कमी हो।

English: The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
Pronunciation: Ek safal byakti ra aru bichko bhinnata shaktiko kami hoina, gyan ko kami hoina, baru ichchha shaktiko kami ho.

प्रत्येक मानिसले अर्को व्यक्तिलाई प्राकृतिक रूपमा आफू समान सम्झनुपर्दछ।

English: Every person should naturally consider others equal to themselves.
Pronunciation: Pratyek manisle arkolaai prakritik rupma afu saman samjhanu parchha.

Motivational Quotes in Nepali

Inspirational Quotes in Nepali

मैले अस्वीकृतिले मलाई उत्प्रेरित हुन नदिन सिकेको छु।

English: I have learned not to let rejection stop me from being motivated.
Pronunciation: Maile aswikritile malai utprerit hun nadin sikeko chhu.

त्यहाँ कुनै पनि शाही बाटो छैन। एक पटकमा एक चीज, क्रमिक रूपमा सबै चीजहरू। जो छिट्टै बढ्छ, उति छिटो ओइलाउँछ। जो बिस्तारै बढ्छ, टिक्छ।

English: There is no royal road. One thing at a time, gradually all things. What grows quickly, withers just as fast. What grows slowly, endures.
Pronunciation: Tyaha kune pani shahi bato chhaina. Ek patak ma ek chij, kramik rupma sabai chijharu. Jo chhittai badhchha, uti chhito oilanchha. Jo bistaarai badhchha, tikchha.

अनिश्चित र असंगत अवस्थाबाट निश्चित र संगत अवस्थातिर बढ्नु नै सभ्यता हो।

English: Moving from uncertain and inconsistent conditions to certain and harmonious ones is what civilization is.
Pronunciation: Anishchit ra asangat avastha bata nishchit ra sangat avasthatira badhnu nai sabhyata ho.

Inspirational Quotes in Nepali

अधिकार चुप लागेर पाइँदैन, न त माथिबाट दिइन्छ, यो त सर्वसाधारणको दबाबबाट प्राप्त हुन्छ।

English: Rights are not gained by remaining silent, nor are they granted from above; they are achieved through the pressure of the masses.
Pronunciation: Adhikar chup lagera paindaina, na ta mathi bata diincha, yo ta sarvasadharan ko dabab bata prapt huncha.

संयम र उपवास रोगहरूलाई रोक्ने एउटा बलियो पर्खाल हो।

English: Moderation and fasting are a strong barrier against diseases.
Pronunciation: Sanyam ra upwas rogharulai rokne ekta balio parkhal ho.

प्रेमले मास्कहरू हटाउँछ जुन हामी डराउँछौं कि हामी बिना बाँच्न सक्दैनौं र हामी भित्र बाँच्न सक्दैनौं।

English: Love removes the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.
Pronunciation: Premle maskharu hataunchha jun haami daraunchau ki haami bina bachna sakdainaun ra haami bhitra bachna sakdainaun.

Inspirational Quotes in Nepali

तपाईं धेरैले ख्याल गर्नुभयो, मात्र पर्याप्त छैन।

English: You cared a lot, just not enough.
Pronunciation: Tapai dherai le khyal garnubhayo, matra paryapta chhaina.

म जो छु तिम्रै कारणले छु। तपाईं हरेक कारण, हरेक आशा, र मैले देखेको हरेक सपना हुनुहुन्छ।

English: I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had.
Pronunciation: Ma jo chhu timrai karanle chhu. Tapai harek karan, harek asha, ra maile dekheko harek sapana hunuhunchha.

जीवन दुखी हुन सक्छ, जीवन सुखी हुन सक्छ। तपाईको जीवनमा जे छ; तपाईलाई खुसी वा दुखीमा समात्नु पर्दैन।

English: Life can be miserable, life can be happy. Whatever is in your life, you don’t have to cling to happiness or misery.
Pronunciation: Jeevan dukhi hun sakchha, jeevan sukhi hun sakchha. Tapai ko jeevan ma je chha; tapaailaai khushi wa dukhi ma samatnu pardaina.

संसार पूर्ण रूपले विवेकीहरू बस्ने ठाउँ होइन।

English: The world is not entirely a place for the wise to live in.
Pronunciation: Sansar purna rupale bibeki haru basne thau hoina.

Motivational Quotes in Nepali

Quotes in Nepali about Life Motivation

समाप्त भयो भनेर नरोऊ, मुस्कुराउनुहोस् किनभने यो भयो।

English: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.
Pronunciation: Samaapt bhayo bhanera narou, muskuranuhos kinabhane yo bhayo.

सबै जीवन एक प्रयोग हो। तपाईंले जति धेरै प्रयोगहरू गर्नुहुन्छ त्यति नै राम्रो हुन्छ।

English: All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.
Pronunciation: Sabai jeevan ek prayog ho. Tapai le jati dherai prayogharu garnuhunchha, tyeti nai ramro huncha.

कुरान वा बाइबलको कुनै भाग मैले बुझिन या गीताको कुनै भाग मलाई मन परेन भने के म त्यसलाई अबलम्वन गर्नेसँग रिसाउने?

English: If I don’t understand a part of the Quran or the Bible, or I don’t like a part of the Gita, does that mean I should be angry at those who follow it?
Pronunciation: Kuran wa Bible ko kune bhaag maile bujhina ya Geeta ko kune bhaag malai man parena bhane ke ma teslai abalamban garnesanga risaune?

Quotes in Nepali about Life Motivation

सफल मानिस त्यो हो जसले अरुले हानेको इँटाले बलियो जग बसाल्छ।

English: A successful person is one who builds a strong foundation with the bricks others have thrown at them.
Pronunciation: Safal manis tyo ho jasle arule haneko itale balio jag basalcha.

यदि तपाईंले आफ्नो जीवनमा आफूले माया गर्ने व्यक्ति भेट्टाउनुभयो भने, त्यस प्रेममा पर्खनुहोस्।

English: If you have found someone you love in your life, hold on to that love.
Pronunciation: Yadi tapai le afno jeevan ma afule maya garne byakti bhettanubhayo bhane, tes prem ma parkhanuhos.

यस संसारमा सबै वस्तु संकल्प-शक्तिमाथि निर्भर छन्।

English: Everything in this world depends on willpower.
Pronunciation: Yas sansar ma sabai bastu sankalp-shakti mathi nirbhar chhan.

Quotes in Nepali about Life Motivation

यदि मलाई थाहा छ माया के हो, यो तिम्रो कारण हो।

English: If I know what love is, it’s because of you.
Pronunciation: Yadi malai thaaha chha maya ke ho, yo timro karan ho.

मानिसमा बलको भन्दा पनि, संकल्प शक्तिको कमी हुन्छ।

English: People lack willpower more than they lack strength.
Pronunciation: Manis ma bal ko bhanda pani, sankalp shaktiko kami hunchha.

म तिमीलाई माया गर्छु तिमी जे छौ, तिमी जे थियौ र तिमी हुने सबै।

English: I love you for who you are, who you were, and who you will be.
Pronunciation: Ma timilai maya garchhu timi je chau, timi je thiyau ra timi hune sabai.

सास फेर्न गाह्रो छ। जब तपाईं धेरै रुनुहुन्छ, यसले तपाईंलाई महसुस गराउँछ कि सास फेर्न गाह्रो छ।

English: It’s hard to breathe. When you cry too much, it makes you feel like breathing is difficult.
Pronunciation: Saas fern gahro chha. Jab tapai dherai runuhunchha, yesle tapailai mahsus garauchha ki saas fern gahro chha.

Motivational Quotes in Nepali

नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू

मलाई आवाज विकास गर्न धेरै समय लाग्यो, र अब मसँग यो छ, म चुप लाग्दिन।

English: It took me a long time to develop my voice, and now that I have it, I won’t be silent.
Pronunciation: Malai aawaj bikas garn dherai samaya lagyo, ra ab ma sanga yo chha, ma chup lagdina.

म कसम खान्छु कि म तिमीलाई अहिले भन्दा बढी माया गर्न सक्दिन, र अझै मलाई थाहा छ म भोलि गर्नेछु।

English: I swear I can’t love you more than I do right now, yet I know I will tomorrow.
Pronunciation: Ma kasam khanchhu ki ma timilai ahile bhanda badhi maya garna sakdina, ra ajhai malai thaaha chha ma bholi garnechhu.

नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू
Quotes in Nepali

आँसु दिमागबाट होइन मुटुबाट आउँछ।

English: Tears come from the heart, not from the mind.
Pronunciation: Aansu dimaagbata hoina mutu bata aunchha.

बाङ्गो नचिताउनेले कुरान वा बाइबलमा हिन्दूलाई मान्य हुने सयकडौं वचन देख्न सक्दछ।

English: Those who think without bias can find hundreds of verses in the Quran or Bible that are acceptable to Hindus.
Pronunciation: Baango nachitanaunele Kuran wa Bible ma Hindu lai maanya hune saya kadau vachan dekhna sakchha.

नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू
Quotes in Nepali

धैर्यताले स्मरणशक्तिमा वृद्धि हुन्छ, लगनशीलता र बुद्धिले स्मरणशक्ति बढ्दै जान्छ।

English: Patience enhances memory, and diligence and intelligence further improve it.
Pronunciation: Dhairyatale smaran shaktima briddhi hunchha, lagansheelta ra buddhile smaran shakti badhdai janchha.

मनोवृत्ति ‘सानो’ चीज हो जसले ठूलो फरक पार्छ।

English: Attitude is a ‘small’ thing that makes a big difference.
Pronunciation: Manobritti ‘sano’ chij ho jasle thulo farak parchha.

नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू
Quotes in Nepali

मानिसको सच्चा आत्म प्रशंसा अथवा गर्व सपनामा पूरा हुन्छ।

English: A person’s true self-appreciation or pride is fulfilled in dreams.
Pronunciation: Manisko sachha aatma prashansa athwa garv sapanama purna hunchha.

त्यहाँ एउटा पीडा छ, म प्रायः महसुस गर्छु, जुन तिमीलाई थाहा छैन। यो तपाईंको अनुपस्थिति को कारण हो।

English: There’s a pain I often feel that you don’t know about. It’s because of your absence.
Pronunciation: Tyaha ekta peeda chha, ma prayas mahasus garchhu, jun timilai thaaha chhaina. Yo tapai ko anupasthiti ko karan ho.

नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू
Quotes in Nepali

तिम्रो सम्झनाले मलाई जागिरहन्छ। तिम्रो सपनाले मलाई निद्रामा राख्छ। तिम्रो साथले मलाई जीवित राख्छ।

English: Your memories keep me awake. Your dreams keep me asleep. Your presence keeps me alive.
Pronunciation: Timro samjhanale malai jagirahanchha. Timro sapanale malai nidrama rakchha. Timro sathle malai jivit rakchha.

हाम्रो सबैभन्दा ठूलो आनन्द र हाम्रो सबैभन्दा ठूलो पीडा अरूसँगको हाम्रो सम्बन्धमा आउँछ।

English: Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come from our relationships with others.
Pronunciation: Hamro sabai bhanda thulo anand ra hamro sabai bhanda thulo peeda arusanga ko hamro sambandhama aunchha.

नेपाली प्रेरक भनाइहरू
Quotes in Nepali

प्रकृतिले मानिसहरूको शारीरिक र मानसिक शक्तिहरूमा यति समान बनाएको छ कि सबै कुरामा ध्यान दियो भने एक र अर्को मानिसमा कुनै विशेष अन्तर मिल्दैन।

English: Nature has made the physical and mental abilities of humans so similar that, if all things are considered, there is no significant difference between one person and another.
Pronunciation: Prakritile manis haruko sharirik ra mansik shaktiharu ma yati saman banayeko chha ki sabai kurama dhyan diyo bhane ek ra arko manis ma kune vishesh antar mildaina.

Motivational quotes have the unique ability to shift our perspective and ignite the fire within us. The quotes shared in this post serve as a reminder that no matter how tough the situation might seem, hope and resilience are always within reach.

By drawing inspiration from these Nepali quotes, you can channel your inner strength and maintain a positive outlook even in the face of adversity. Remember, the journey to success is not always easy, but it is the small steps of perseverance that lead to greatness.

As you navigate through life’s ups and downs, keep these motivational quotes close to your heart. They will serve as a source of strength and encouragement whenever you need them the most.

Let these words be a constant reminder that every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever before. Stay motivated, stay inspired, and never stop believing in your ability to achieve greatness.

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