Baby Names on Swami Samarth in Marathi

Swaminchya nava varun mulanchi mulinchi nave : स्वामी समर्थांच्या आशीर्वादाने प्रेरित, आपल्या बाळासाठी अर्थपूर्ण आणि पवित्र नावे तुम्हाला या पेज वर मिळतील.

Baby Boy Names on Swami Samarth:

स्वामींच्या नावावरून मुलांची नावे

  1. Samarth (समर्थ) – Capable or efficient; a direct reference to Swami Samarth.
  2. Swamikrupa (स्वामीकृपा) – Blessing of Swami.
  3. Gururaj (गुरुराज) – King of Gurus.
  4. Dnyanesh (ज्ञानेश) – One who is full of wisdom.
  5. Siddhesh (सिद्धेश) – Lord of divine powers.
  6. Chaitanya (चैतन्य) – Consciousness or divine energy.
  7. Shripad (श्रीपाद) – Holy feet of the divine, often used to address saints.
  8. Vibhut (विभूत) – Holy ash; divine glory.
  9. Niranjan (निर्जन) – Pure, flawless.
  10. Anant (अनंत) – Infinite, eternal.
  11. Saaransh (सारांश) – Essence of teachings from Swami Samarth.
  12. Saajivan (साजीवन) – Eternally alive through Swami Samarth.
  13. Samved (संवेद) – Knowledge from Swami.
  14. Samriddh (समृद्ध) – Prosperous under Swami Samarth’s blessings.
  15. Sahith (साहित) – Supported by Swami.
  16. Sadhuraj (सधुराज) – Righteous king under Swami Samarth’s guidance.
  17. Satyabodh (सत्यबोध) – True knowledge from Swami Samarth.
  18. Samarthya (समर्थ्य) – Achieving goals with Swami Samarth’s grace.
  19. Saisarthak (साईसार्थक) – Divine purpose by Swami Samarth.
  20. Swarthsam (स्वार्थसाम) – Goal-oriented with Swami Samarth’s blessing.
  21. Samarpan (समर्पण) – Offering to Swami Samarth.
  22. Samanjasya (समंजस्य) – Harmony under Swami Samarth’s guidance.
  23. Saumitra (सौमित्र) – Companion in the journey with Swami Samarth.
  24. Satvik (सात्विक) – Purity in thought and action with Swami.
  25. Samanway (समन्वय) – Harmony through Swami Samarth’s wisdom.
  26. Samyak (सम्यक) – Complete, aligned with Swami.
  27. Sahaswat (सहस्वत) – Everlasting strength from Swami Samarth.
  28. Saubhagyam (सौभाग्यम) – Auspiciousness bestowed by Swami Samarth.
  29. Suvrat (सुव्रत) – Righteous conduct inspired by Swami.
  30. Saisamarth (साईसमर्थ) – Divine power of Swami Samarth.
  31. Sahriday (सहृदय) – Pure-hearted with Swami Samarth’s blessings.
  32. Samyukta (सम्युक्त) – United in devotion to Swami Samarth.
  33. Sanatan (सनातन) – Eternal, guided by Swami Samarth.
  34. Sadvichar (सद्विचार) – Righteous thoughts inspired by Swami Samarth.
  35. Sankalp (संकल्प) – Resolute determination with Swami.
  36. Samarpit (समर्पित) – Surrendered to Swami Samarth.
  37. Sankirtan (संकीर्तन) – Devotional singing for Swami.
  38. Sarthak (सार्थक) – Well done; having meaning and purpose.
  39. Sadhan (साधन) – Spiritual practice endorsed by Swami.
  40. Saumil (सौमिल) – Companion on the spiritual journey with Swami.
  41. Saheem (सहीम) – Courageous, inspired by Swami.
  42. Savalok (सवलोक) – Visionary, guided by Swami Samarth.
  43. Samarthik (सामर्थिक) – One who follows the teachings of Swami Samarth.
  44. Sahishnu (सहिष्णु) – Tolerant, embodying Swami Samarth’s virtues.
  45. Suvimarsh (सुविमर्श) – Reflective, contemplating Swami Samarth’s wisdom.

Baby Girl Names on Swami Samarth:

स्वामींच्या नावावरून मुलींची नावे

  1. Swaleela (स्वलीला) – Divine playfulness of the lord.
  2. Swaguna (स्वगुणा) – Virtuous qualities bestowed by the lord.
  3. Swabhakti (स्वभक्ति) – Devotion to the lord.
  4. Swatejas (स्वतेजस) – Radiance emanating from the lord.
  5. Swariti (स्वरिति) – Ritual devotion to the lord.
  6. Swahamsika (स्वहंसिका) – Blissful like the lord’s smile.
  7. Swamayuri (स्वमयूरी) – Delicate beauty like the lord’s peacock.
  8. Swaruchi (स्वरुचि) – Radiance of the master.
  9. Swadharma (स्वधर्मा) – Duty inspired by the lord.
  10. Swarnakshi (स्वर्णाक्षी) – Golden-eyed like the lord.
  11. Swarudra (स्वरुद्रा) – Fierce form of the master.
  12. Swabhumi (स्वभूमि) – Homeland dedicated to the lord.
  13. Swasmita (स्वस्मिता) – Smiling with the grace of the lord.
  14. Swakalyani (स्वकल्याणी) – Auspiciousness bestowed by the lord.
  15. Swahasta (स्वहस्त) – Holding the divine hands of the lord.
  16. Swakanta (स्वकंता) – Beloved of the lord.
  17. Swakriti (स्वकृति) – Beautiful form given by the lord.
  18. Swarupini (स्वरूपिणी) – Embodiment of the master’s form.
  19. Swadharini (स्वधारिणी) – Upholding the dharma of the lord.
  20. Swavalambi (स्ववलम्बी) – Dependent on the lord.
  21. Swagatika (स्वागतिका) – Welcoming the lord.
  22. Swarnima (स्वर्णिमा) – Golden presence of the lord.
  23. Swadhinta (स्वाधिन्ता) – Independence inspired by the lord.
  24. Swarnali (स्वर्णाली) – Golden rays of the master.
  25. Swabhava (स्वभाव) – Nature like the lord.
  26. Swasneha (स्वस्नेहा) – Affectionate love for the lord.
  27. Swaritika (स्वरितिका) – Melodious voice in praise of the lord.
  28. Swayamala (स्वयमाला) – Garland offered to the lord.
  29. Swarangi (स्वरंगी) – Beautiful body of the master.
  30. Swakshara (स्वक्षर) – Letters devoted to the lord.
  31. Swaminika (स्वामिनिका) – Belonging to the lord.
  32. Swarupa (स्वरूपा) – Embodiment of the master.
  33. Swalekha (स्वलेखा) – Beautiful writing of the lord.
  34. Swaratri (स्वरात्री) – Night devoted to the lord.
  35. Swabhavana (स्वभावना) – Feeling the lord’s presence within.
  36. Swaragini (स्वरागिनी) – Melody inspired by the lord.
  37. Swakirti (स्वकीर्ति) – Fame bestowed by the lord.
  38. Swalekhya (स्वलेख्या) – Writing the lord’s praises.
  39. Sharvani (शर्वाणी) – Sacred or holy.
  40. Samartha (समर्था) – Capable or efficient.
  41. Dnyanada (ज्ञानदा) – Giver of knowledge.
  42. Bhavani (भावनी) – Goddess Durga; full of emotion.
  43. Chaitali (चैताली) – Full of life or energy.
  44. Krutika (कृतिका) – Creative or action-oriented.
  45. Nityananda (नित्यानंदा) – Eternal bliss.
  46. Anandi (आनंदी) – Joyful, blissful.
  47. Swamija (स्वामीजा) – Daughter of Swami.
  48. Siddhika (सिद्धिका) – Bestower of success.

स्वामी समर्थांच्या आशीर्वादाने प्रेरित अशी नावे निवडून आपल्या बाळाचे जीवन पवित्र आणि शुभमय बनवा. स्वामींच्या कृपेने आनंदाने पुढे जा!

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